Saturday, August 31, 2019

Psychology, Theology and the Spiritual Life in Christian Counseling Essay

1. This paper is a book review that will deal with the above work by McMinn and the nature of Christian counseling in general. The work is a whole is designed to be easily read, and reads very quickly at the price of sophistication. Its ultimate purpose is one of integration on wto levels: first, the integration of the â€Å"broken† person back into loving relationships, chiefly with God, who is a God of healing, and second, the immensely important integration of theology with the aims of counseling. Counseling without God is a far less complex affair than Christian counseling. The secular counselor can be safely utilitarian, whatever helps heal the person might be tried or advocated. However, with Christian counseling, the idea of integration is all important. Christians have a specific view of the personality that cannot be ignored in counseling. These ideas on the human personality is based around our inherent sinfulness and â€Å"brokenness. † (McMinn, 1996, 32). This is central, all of humanity is in need of counseling of some sort, but the final end of counseling, that of union with God in and by healthy relationships with other persons, provides far more difficult challenges than the more utilitarian secularist. Furthermore, the idea of the integration of the ego out of its sinful (yet natural) drive to self-sufficiency (cf. 35-40ff) is another specifically Christian idea when coupled with the important idea of Grace, the Grace that is, by its very function, a healing balm. Hence, the counselor must also know how to â€Å"give way† to grace, grace that is not in the control of the counselor. The notion of the â€Å"abuse of power† so important to the chapter on â€Å"Sin†is precisely not realizing the fact that the Christian counselor must act as a conduit of grace and not its â€Å"dispenser. † Thus, the counselor that does not realize this gap, the gap between the counselor and the will of God for the broken victim has failed in his duty. The grace for the believer is always present, and Christian counseling must have a sense that his duty is to help the victim find it. The basic thesis of the book is sound from a theological and a psychological point of view: the modern secular mentality stresses ego satisfaction and ones â€Å"control† over ones life. But this is little more than the institutionalization of original sin: this is the problem, not the solution. This desire, natural to fallen man, to be self-sufficient is the root of all psychological problems. Hence, the work takes this fundamental insight through the various ideas that develop in the process of counseling: prayer, scripture, forgiveness, etc. Each concerns itself with bringing the patient to a fuller understanding of the nature of his alienation, both from others an from God. 2. In the section on prayer, I was struck by several things, things that I recall myself going through. I was always taken aback by the attacks on prayer by both mainline psychology and society at large: why would one pray if God is all knowing? Of course this is not an easy question, and the church fathers dealt with it in some detail. I began to see prayer as being of 2 kinds: the intercessory prayer, or the literal meaning of prayer in the sense as â€Å"to ask. † This is not a part of Christian counseling to any great degree. But the second form of prayer, that of communion and oneness, is. The prayerful meditation of the ancient monks has healing properties even apart of belief. Prayer, as McMinn points out, reduces stress, creates a bond with the counselor, and places the problems of man in a theological context (66ff). The same might be said for his section on Scripture: is not Job an excellent case study for the Christian counselor? Is not David and his sins even better? (Cf. 100) It seems to me that the development of my own prayer life since being involved with counseling has more to do with dealing rather than asking. , In other words, it seems to me that pure prayer is not about asking for things: God knows what we need. Pure prayer is about dealing with that which God has given us in our own development. Suffering is no a bad thing with a prayerful attitude: it permits us to reject the world and its comforts, and to seek our rest in God alone. Christians involved in counseling should avoid, as my experience has shown, treating prayer as a means of â€Å"getting† things. This can lead to disappointment and a belief that God is merely a great cosmic vending machine that exists to grant wishes. I recall my older view that prayer was about â€Å"getting,† instead of â€Å"dealing. † Prayer as a means of communing with God in the midst of suffering is both a very Christian idea as well as a powerful tool in counseling Christians. 3. A major issue that arises from reading this book is the difficulty of the task. The author is writing for a popular audience, and hence, can not get into the deep psychology and theology necessary to make his this work. Theology is the highest of the sciences, and this is because the understanding of Christ as Logos gives both the efficient and final cause of creation, including our minds. The Logos is the being of all things so far as they exemplify a cosmic reason, an interconnectedness that makes nature understandable and law-abiding. But our problem arises, both as Christians and as counselors, when we are forced to deal with the affects of the fall: a nature that bears God’s energy (though not her person), but is only poorly reflected in our minds that have been darkened by sin. Christianity has been worried about this healing since St Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine, who have dealt with the church and the Christian life as primarily a psychological affair, an affair of the consciousness, but a consciousness whose own drives seek to obliterate God and his presence in the interests of self centeredness. The very nature of the book in question cannot get into these issues except in trite examples. The book needs to build upon Christ as Logos before any serious psychology can be done. Putting this differently, the point is that Christ is to be found in the human mind in that it bears traces, fingerprints of the creator, but the creator as the Son, the image of the Father. The cosmic reason found in all things. This is an ontological problem, one that needs to inform all Christian psychology. Th reality is that this book is far too simple, far to â€Å"easy† and cannot gt to th heart of the matter. 4. In terms of action, I want to take from McMinn’s section on Scripture. This is likely the most valuable part of the work, and Scripture, to say the least, is only rarely considered a bok of counseling or psychology. Yet, the scriptures are saturated with psychological insight. Hence, my action here is to begin bringing scriptural sources into counseling. Even with secular patients, the Bible, even if the patient does not necessarily believe its divine origin, still contains many positive and negative examples for people to consider. The sins of David, including murder, are helpful is showing the example of repentance and the fact that a spiritual giant like David can be so flawed. I might say the same of Noah, after his drunkenness. God can forgive anything. The prophets such as Jeremiah or Amos were all persecuted for their beliefs and complete refusal to compromise. For people to be treated harshly because of their faith is something Christ explicitly mentions as the lot of the Christian: scripture is about God’s presence amidst a world that does not recognize him, whether it be the establishment of Judah or the Jewish Pharisees. The Christian Will suffer–there is no getting out of that, it is built into the process of both living and counseling. Christ Himself is such an example. Therefore, in dealing with patients, the Scriptures will be the central component in counseling for the examples they contain: examples of righteous suffering, but suffering with a purpose. Suffering with a purpose is bearable, suffering for no reason is not,. There is not a major figure in the Scriptures that is not persecuted for one reason or another by a world that does not understand te godly life. For us as counselors, nothing can be more important, useful or inspiring.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Save Girl Child

NuclearMain articles: Nuclear explosion and Effects of nuclear explosions In addition to stellar nuclear explosions, a man-made nuclear weapon is a type of explosive weapon that derives its destructive force from nuclear fission or from a combination of fission and fusion. As a result, even a nuclear weapon with a small yield is significantly more powerful than the largest conventional explosives available, with a single weapon capable of completely destroying an entire city. Properties of explosionsForceExplosive force is released in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the explosive. If the surface is cut or shaped, the explosive forces can be focused to produce a greater local effect; this is known as a shaped charge.VelocityThis article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay rather than an encyclopedic description of the subject. Pleasehelp improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (May 2013) The speed of the reaction is what distinguishes the ex plosive reaction from an ordinary combustion reaction . Unless the reaction occurs rapidly, the thermally expanded gases will be dissipated in the medium, and there will be no explosion. Again, consider a wood or coal fire. As the fire burns, there is the evolution of heat and the formation of gases, but neither is liberated rapidly enough to cause an explosion. This can be likened to the difference between the energy discharge of a battery, which is slow, and that of a flash capacitor like that in a camera flash, which releases its energy all at once.Evolution of heatThe generation of heat in large quantities accompanies most explosive chemical reactions. The exceptions are called entropic explosives and include organic peroxides such as acetone peroxide[2] It is the rapid liberation of heat that causes the gaseous products of most explosive reactions to expand and generate high pressures. This rapid generation of high pressures of the released gas constitutes the explosion. The li beration of heat with insufficient rapidity will not cause an explosion. For example,  although a unit mass of coal yields five times as much heat as a unit mass of nitroglycerin, the coal cannot be used as an explosive because the rate at which it yields this heat is quite slow. In fact, a substance which burns less rapidly (i.e. slowcombustion) may actually evolve more total heat than an explosive which detonates rapidly (i.e. fast combustion).In the former, slow combustion converts more of the internal energy (i.e.chemical potential) of the burning substance into heat released to the surroundings, while in the latter, fast combustion (i.e. detonation) instead converts more internal energy into work on the surroundings (i.e. less internal energy converted into heat); c.f. heat and work (thermodynamics) are equivalent forms of energy. See Heat of Combustion for a more thorough treatment of this topic. When a chemical compound is formed from its constituents, heat may either be ab sorbed or released. The quantity of heat absorbed or given off during transformation is called the heat of formation.Heats of formations for solids and gases found in explosive reactions have been determined for a temperature of 25  °C and atmospheric pressure, and are normally given in units of kilojoules per gram-molecule. A negative value indicates that heat is absorbed during the formation of the compound from its elements; such a reaction is called an endothermic reaction. In explosive technology only materials that are exothermic—that have a net liberation of heat—are of interest. Reaction heat is measured under conditions either of constant pressure or constant volume. It is this heat of reaction that may be properly expressed as the â€Å"heat of explosion.†Initiation of reactionA chemical explosive is a compound or mixture which, upon the application of heat or shock, decomposes or rearranges with extreme rapidity, yielding much gas and heat. Many sub stances not ordinarily classed as explosives may do one, or even two, of these things. A reaction must be capable of being initiated by the application of shock, heat, or a catalyst (in the case of some explosive chemical reactions) to a small portion of the mass of the explosive material. A material in which the first three factors exist cannot be accepted as an explosive unless the reaction can be made to occur when needed.FragmentationFragmentation is the accumulation and projection of particles as the result of a high explosives detonation. Fragments could be part of a structure such as a magazine. High velocity, low angle fragments can travel hundreds or thousands of feet with enough energy to initiate other surrounding high explosive items, injure or kill personnel and damage vehicles or structures. Notable explosions Save Girl Child NuclearMain articles: Nuclear explosion and Effects of nuclear explosions In addition to stellar nuclear explosions, a man-made nuclear weapon is a type of explosive weapon that derives its destructive force from nuclear fission or from a combination of fission and fusion. As a result, even a nuclear weapon with a small yield is significantly more powerful than the largest conventional explosives available, with a single weapon capable of completely destroying an entire city. Properties of explosionsForceExplosive force is released in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the explosive. If the surface is cut or shaped, the explosive forces can be focused to produce a greater local effect; this is known as a shaped charge.VelocityThis article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay rather than an encyclopedic description of the subject. Pleasehelp improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (May 2013) The speed of the reaction is what distinguishes the ex plosive reaction from an ordinary combustion reaction . Unless the reaction occurs rapidly, the thermally expanded gases will be dissipated in the medium, and there will be no explosion. Again, consider a wood or coal fire. As the fire burns, there is the evolution of heat and the formation of gases, but neither is liberated rapidly enough to cause an explosion. This can be likened to the difference between the energy discharge of a battery, which is slow, and that of a flash capacitor like that in a camera flash, which releases its energy all at once.Evolution of heatThe generation of heat in large quantities accompanies most explosive chemical reactions. The exceptions are called entropic explosives and include organic peroxides such as acetone peroxide[2] It is the rapid liberation of heat that causes the gaseous products of most explosive reactions to expand and generate high pressures. This rapid generation of high pressures of the released gas constitutes the explosion. The li beration of heat with insufficient rapidity will not cause an explosion. For example, although a unit mass of coal yields five times as much heat as a unit mass of nitroglycerin, the coal cannot be used as an explosive because the rate at which it yields this heat is quite slow.In fact, a substance which burns less rapidly (i.e. slowcombustion) may actually evolve more total heat than an explosive which detonates rapidly (i.e. fast combustion). In the former, slow combustion converts more of the internal energy (i.e.chemical potential) of the burning substance into heat released to the surroundings, while in the latter, fast combustion (i.e. detonation) instead converts more internal energy into work on the surroundings (i.e. less internal energy converted into heat); c.f. heat and work (thermodynamics) are equivalent forms of energy. See Heat of Combustion for a more thorough treatment of this topic. When a chemical compound is formed from its constituents, heat may either be absor bed or released.The quantity of heat absorbed or given off during transformation is called the heat of formation. Heats of formations for solids and gases found in explosive reactions have been determined for a temperature of 25  °C and atmospheric pressure, and are normally given in units of kilojoules per gram-molecule. A negative value indicates that heat is absorbed during the formation of the compound from its elements; such a reaction is called an endothermic reaction. In explosive technology only materials that are exothermic—that have a net liberation of heat—are of interest. Reaction heat is measured under conditions either of constant pressure or constant volume. It is this heat of reaction that may be properly expressed as the â€Å"heat of explosion.† Initiation of reactionA chemical explosive is a compound or mixture which, upon the application of heat or shock, decomposes or rearranges with extreme rapidity, yielding much gas and heat. Many subst ances not ordinarily classed as explosives may do one, or even two, of these things. A reaction must be capable of being initiated by the application of shock, heat, or a catalyst (in the case of some explosive chemical reactions) to a small portion of the mass of the explosive material. A material in which the first three factors exist cannot be accepted as an explosive unless the reaction can be made to occur when needed.FragmentationFragmentation is the accumulation and projection of particles as the result of a high explosives detonation. Fragments could be part of a structure such as a magazine. High velocity, low angle fragments can travel hundreds or thousands of feet with enough energy to initiate other surrounding high explosive items, injure or kill personnel and damage vehicles or structures.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cigerate money in POW camp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cigerate money in POW camp - Essay Example Cigarettes qualified as money because it acted as a standard of deferred payment. Some buyers took commodities on credit with a promise of paying an agreed number of cigarettes in the future. Just like modern currency, cigarette money acted as a store of value so that buyers could keep their extra purchasing power for use when the Red Cross issue arrived. Traders accumulated cigarette money to help them purchase more stock when commodities arrived (Radford 5). The fact that cigarettes served both as money and as a smoke was a factor that led to the debasement of cigarette money. Buyers in the P.O.W camp savoured high quality cigarettes for smoking and only used those that were of low quality for trading. The method used in making different cigarette brands was another factor in the debasement of cigarette money. For example, machine-made cigarettes that were supplied by Red Cross could afford more than hand-rolled cigarettes. Lack of homogeneity in the worth of certain cigarettes led to the debasement of cigarette money. For example, some hand-rolled cigarettes were doubted for low quality and extreme thinness and some sellers would reject them. The cunningness of buyers in P.O.W camp to try to maximize on the few available cigarettes led them dismantling big machine-made cigarettes in order to make many smaller ones. Price fluctuations affected the stability of cigarette money and it would fall in value when prices went up (Radford 5). Like in modern economic times, a fall in the value of cigarette money was one of the factors that caused inflation in P.O.W camp. The decrease of the value of cigarette money led to inflation because some traders felt that they needed to charge more in order to realize meaningful profits. The anticipation and arrival of commodities in the P.O.W camp was another contributing factor for inflation. This manifested in price hikes when the day of the arrival of commodities

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nursing philosophy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nursing philosophy - Personal Statement Example A nurse should embrace the caring culture as they should put aside their values and care for the sick patient. Nurses should have integrity so as to make an ethical decision (Watson 65). Nurses should also embrace diversity so as to understand different cultures in accordance to their patients. Nurses believe that humans are complex organisms and that the study of their nature is more complex than people perceive (Watson 70). Nurses also believe that humans like to be understood. Finally, nurses believe that all humans behave differently. This is helpful as nurses look after dozens of people each day. Hence, they learn to relate with the different types of species that are out there. The society expects nurses to offer emotional support to their patients, as well as their families. Also, the society expects nurses to have good hygiene along with their dressing (Watson 72). Finally, a nurse is also expected, by the society, to follow the doctor’s orders. This might include overseen tests among others. A patient expects a nurse to look after him or her in all ways (Watson 72). For instance, a patient who cannot walk expects a nurse to lead his or her way in the hospital. In addition, families with their respective members in a hospital expect nurses to look after them with much care. Finally, a doctor expects that a nurse follows his or her directions such as when caring out surgeries or tests that are left behind to be done later (Watson 73). Education in nursing offers the potential nurse with great knowledge that she might draw upon on her career (Watson 105). Also, education nursing requires potential nurse to complete a semester of hands-on practice in a health center. This enables potential nurses to have a glimpse of what nursing really involves before they call it a career (Watson 105). Finally, education in nursing enables future nurses to acquire licenses from the National Council Licensure Examination in nursing. If I turn out to be a nurse,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Security Policy GDI Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Security Policy GDI Company - Case Study Example Given that GDI has made significant gains in its business, there is need to preserve the capability the firm receive from its information technology assets. This security policy understands that protecting the physical and operation security of GDI is the main challenge underlying its writing. Therefore, the report presents several policies that seek to protect named assets of GDI with a goal of preserving the security and operation of the firm. Vacca (2010) argues that information technology polices form the first line of defence against threats. There are several policies this security policy document outlines, which are a result of careful analysis of the firms existing network topology. Because information technology forms a critical backbone to the operations of GDI, a careful analysis characterized the writing of this document. Among the essential goals of the security, policies were the establishment of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the firm’s informat ion technology asset. Policy 1: Email Security Policy Email remains a preferred medium of communication for the GDI Corporation. Because of the widespread use of email in the firm, there is need for GDI to implement policies that will limit the loss of essential loss through email exchange within or outside the firm. While email is one of the most effective techniques for communication, firms like GDI stand a risk of exposing their data and information technology infrastructure to threats that can emerge from lack of email security policy. Bayuk, Healey and Rohmeyer (2012) contend that email remains vulnerable to a wide variety of threats such as worms. These threats can interfere with the operations of the organization, as well as lead to the loss of data. Given the danger that could emanate from email use, this report understand the need of an appropriate email security policy, which will ensure that email exchange do not result to the loss of data, introduction of threats and breach of confidentiality. First, GDI should implement a policy that restricts its employees from sharing any that belong to the organization. This clause could limit the loss of information that GDI’s employees have the privilege to view as compared to other people. This policy should be printed and given to all employees using the firms email. In addition, GDI should also produce a policy that would restrict all the employees from using the firms email for their own private use. The use of emails for any other purpose could introduce threats such as worms. To add on this, the firms should stipulate that all employees scan their emails to ensure that they have no threats such as worms or Trojan horse that could spy on the company’s data. Policy 2: Server Security Policy GDI servers are essential assets that must be protected from physical and operations risks that may have profound effect on the operations of the firm. To ensure that GDI’s servers are secure, there has to be an elaborate policy in place. The se rver security policy calls for the hardening of GDI’s server to ensure that all vulnerable areas are addressed to limit the impact of threats. This policy ensures that GDI’s administrators carry out periodic maintenance of the system by applying patches and other software updates. Servers that lack essential patches are vulnerable to attacks (TechRepublic, 2004). Updating the servers by installing patches would ensure that the server is secure and up to date. Being that updates are critical to the operation of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leadership issues you experience in your work as a political Essay

Leadership issues you experience in your work as a political activist(democrat) - Essay Example Unlike formal organizations, political activists are likely to find it troublesome to exert any position power, coercive power or even reward power. Nevertheless, political activists might exert referent power or expert power, but the fact is that considering the size and scope of the Democratic Party, it might take several years for a person to gain expert power. The point here is that leaders who are political activists find it difficult to retrieve a sustainable and influential source of power, in the absence of which they fail to emerge as strong leaders (Fiedler and Chemers 87). There are no doubts about the fact that leaders can only build their credibility and command respect through living by a code of conduct and ethics. However, the fact is that in common practice, people differ in their personal definitions of â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong.† Even within the Democratic Party, there are different viewpoints on issues such as same sex marriage, civil unions of sa me sex couples, abortion, foreign policy issues, fiscal issues, and others. It is likely that people would perceive their viewpoint or political position as the ethical and moral one, and in a political party, which is as large as the Democratic Party, these differing viewpoints and ethical perceptions are likely to cause disputes and disappointments, and it is for the leader to intervene and ensure harmony and consensus. Important here to note is that the job of a leader is not to suppress the opposing viewpoints but to learn something from those opposing viewpoints and subsequently incorporate them in the overall agenda or at least, acknowledge their presence (Yukl 45). In an alternative scenario, there are times when leaders in politics realize that a certain political position is contrary to the ethical and moral standards but it gathers fervent support due to its necessity or context. In those situations, it becomes the ethical and moral responsibility of the leader to ensure t hat the leader leads his or her people in the â€Å"right† direction (House et al. 14). Even when compared to the corporate world, politics is the name of making tough decisions, regardless of its consequences and reception. In order to gather support and command respect, leaders have to make popular decisions. However, political activists, while acting as leaders, are less likely to find any room for making decisions primarily to widen their support base, but they also have to take decisions that might directly hurt the interests of the followers or subordinates. The challenge for the leader in such a scenario is to persuade people about the inevitability of the decisions and to demand compromise with a promise of future favors and compliments. In terms of the managerial grid, leaders have to ensure that they demonstrate a high concern for task and an equally high concern for people as well (Yukl 45). Quite understandably, in situations when the leader has to ask his or her subordinates and followers for compromises, it depends extensively on the relationships of the leaders with his or her subordinates that define his or her success in such ventures. Furthermore, credibility also plays a crucial role, as people would only give up their self-interests and viewpoints for a leader whom they can blindly trust. Therefore, my goal is to ensure that I could earn the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Roles of women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roles of women - Essay Example ed to hold executive posts in big companies but these days we have women CEOs and MDs heading several organizations and doing considerably well, this goes to show a lot about how times have changed. Women were considered the weaker sex in the past and there are still areas where women are suppressed and denied what they truly deserve. Women have made significant progress in the past and they continue to prove several people wrong. They are no longer behind the four walls of the house, they have started accepting administrative roles and their performance has surprised many a people. â€Å"After decades long battle for basic survival rights, women have broken free of their shackles universally and have unleashed the female power, a power that has changed the world. The 21st century has been a witness to the rise of women power.† (Women on Top) The progress that women have made has been significant and their progress is not restricted to one field alone, they have managed to make significant progress in more fields than one and this has also knocked the stuffing out of people who thought that women were incapable of making progress in their lives. Women have greater control over household matters now but it was much different earlier, they are no longer subjected to abuse and they are no longer ignored as they once were in the past. There were as many as 6700 women working as engineers in the year 1950, a great transition took place during 1940 to 1950. As mentioned earlier this decade was a very promising decade for the women and they grabbed this opportunity by the scruff of its neck. However this progress did not continue as expected, the rate of participation declined in the next decade. The problems for women kept mounting, the jobs in their area was hard to find. Their expertise was not valued and they were left unemployed. 91% of men worked as full time engineers whereas women were 20% less likely of getting a job in their area of expertise. This was again

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The importance of Occupational Health and Safety studies Essay

The importance of Occupational Health and Safety studies - Essay Example Government as well as private health sectors work hand-in-hand to ensure that appropriate measures are implemented to attain health and safety management in any construction project sites. Lifting operations involves wide range of lifting equipment and have been a causative factor in major injury, if not fatal accidents in construction industry. In April of 2007, the Construction Design and Management Regulations, otherwise known as "the CDM Regulations" were re-introduced. The said regulations aimed to ensure that stakeholders who are directly involved in the construction projects will comply with their health and safety obligations. It seeks to improve the entire management and synchronization of health, safety and welfare all the way through stages of a construction project in order that large number of grave and fatal accidents as well as cases of ill health will greatly reduce. Lifting operation can be defined as an operation concerned about the lifting or lowering (LOLER Regulation 8, 1998) of a load. The load can mean a person or lifting equipment which in turn refers to work equipment used for lifting or lowering of loads, attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it are included. The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations or LOLER (1998) supported by the ACOP and HSE Guidance Safe Use of Lifting Equipment applies over as well as above the universal requirements mandated by the 1998 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations with hazards and risks related with lifting equipment and also the lifting operations. The following are the specific requirements of the regulations: Every employer shall guarantee that: a) lifting equipment is of sufficient in strength and stability for every load; b) all part of a load and attachments must also be of adequate strength. Every employer shall see to it that lifting equipment for lifting persons: a) focus to sub-paragraph (b), prevents worker from being crushed struck or trapped, fall from carrier; b) prevent so far as is practically a person using it, as he carry out activities c) subject to paragraph 2, wear suitable devices to avoid the risk of falling; d) not thereby exposed to harm or danger.Every employer must guarantee that every lifting procedure involving lifting equipment is: a) correctly planned; b) appropriately supervised; as well as c) carried out safely. Before lifting equipment is placed into service by the person, it has to be thoroughly examined by the said person to check the defects, unless: a) lifting equipment was never used before; and b) if and when lifting equipment (for which an EC pronouncement of conformity should (example, the case of an affirmation under the1997 Lifts Regulations) have been represented, the employer has received the said declaration not more than 12 months earlier than the lifting

Friday, August 23, 2019

Technological Advancements in Urinalysis Research Paper

Technological Advancements in Urinalysis - Research Paper Example However, with time, the analysis of urine became exaggerated, such that it violated the privacy and dignity of the patients, resulting in the advancement where urine testing progressed to the use of urine only, without the presence of the patient like was happening before. In the ancient times, the tests of urine were used as the primary method of determining the state of human health. This has progressively changed with the advancement in medicine, such that currently, the analysis of urine is only used to diagnose certain medical conditions only (Armstrong, 2007). Â  The history of urine analysis indicates that at around 4000 BC, urine was used to test the medical condition that is referred in modern-day urinalysis as diabetes, through putting some urine of different patients on the ants path, such that the ants would be attracted to the sweet urine, which would indicate that the patient was suffering from a certain health anomaly (Diamandopoulos & Actuarius, 2001). Later at around the second century, the testing of urine changed to the practical observation of the patients urine condition at around the fourth century, (460–355 BC) where the urine was observed for bubble components and if the bubbles were found to be present in large numbers, then the patient was declared to be suffering from a kidney disorder (Armstrong, 2007). However, it is not until six centuries later, at around (AD 129–200), when the accuracy of urinalysis was attained, with the first description of urine, not as a residual of body tissues, but as a residu al and filtrate of blood, by Galen, a Roman scientist (Armstrong, 2007). Galen made the testing of urine more specific to certain medical conditions, by observing different anomalies in urine production and then relating quantities of urine produced to different medical conditions.

Acquiring Business Communication Skills Necessary for Business Essay - 5

Acquiring Business Communication Skills Necessary for Business Graduates - Essay Example 112). However, when one delves on communication skills in the context of the business graduates, they need to realize that in the current time when the technology is poised to enhance the speed and urgency of business communication, business communication skills are expected to play a major role in influencing the career graphs of the future managers (Sigmar & Cooper 2011, p. S1). Thereby, this report intends to identify salient general communication skills and the form and scope they acquire in the arena of business communication, while proceeding to elaborate on the value of these communication skills and their role in the world of business. In the light of this analysis this report eventually facilitates recommendations aimed at helping the undergraduate students hone the specific business communication skills. The undergraduate students do need to bear in mind that the discipline of business communication happens to be a subset of the general communication, and hence, the proficiency that the business students acquire in business communication happens to be a great extent subservient to their expertise in the general communication skills. Thereby it will be pragmatic to consider the salient general communication skills, before proceeding to introduce the business communication skills. Verbal Communication- Verbal communication relies on the potency of the spoken word to convey meaning and content (Gallagher 2013, p. 58). They require the ability for using language in a clear, concise and straightforward manner Nonverbal Communication- It is a fact corroborated by many communication experts that nonverbal communication happens to be more important and complex aspect of communication (Gallagher 2013, p. 58). Nonverbal communication comprises of the use of body language and nonverbal cues in communication. Written Communication- Written communication is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Noah and Utnapishtims Wild Ride Essay Example for Free

Noah and Utnapishtims Wild Ride Essay Almost every religion in the world has a story about the â€Å"Great Flood† which destroys the earth, and each teaches its followers a different story about this disaster. While the Babylonians have the story of Utnapishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Judeo Christians have Noah from the Bible. Both men save a few people and many animals. In these stories, Noah and Utnapishtim seem to have similar situations, but a further analysis shows how truly different the two stories are. The boats in each story are exceptionally different. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim’s boat was six stories high, had nine apartments in each story, had a flat bottom, and was one hundred and twenty cubits high as well as wide (par 5-6). Utnapishtim covered the inside of his boat with bitumen, and covered the outside of it with pitch (par 6). Noah’s ark was made of cypress wood, and was coated in pitch on the inside and out (6:14). It was three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high (6:15). It had three decks, a door, and a roof (6:16). The Lord shut Noah in the ark with his family and the animals, and Utnapishtim shut himself in when the flood waters came (7:16; par 9). Each story tells of a storm, but there are conflicting differences in each one. The storm in Utnapishtim’s story lasted for six days and six nights (par 14). On the seventh day, the rain stopped and the waters receded (par 14). They stayed in the boat for at least another week before they decided the land had dried enough (par 16). The storm in Noah’s story lasted for forty days and forty nights (7:17). The floods were on the earth for a hundred and fifty days (7:24). Noah, his family, and the animals stayed on the ark for three hundred and ninety two days (7:6, 8:14). Utnapishtim stayed on the boat until the raven did not come back, and Noah stayed on the ark until God told him to come out (par 16; 8:15-16). Noah and Utnapishtim each sent out birds to let them know when they could leave the boat, but sent out different ones in different parts of their stories. When the waters started to recede, Utnapishtim sent out a dove first, and she came back finding no place to rest (par 16). He then sent out a swallow, which also returned (par 16). The third bird he sent out was a raven, and she did not return, for she had found a place to rest (par 16). The first bird Noah sent out was a raven (8:7). He sent out the dove next, but she returned with no place to rest (8:8-9). He waited for a week and sent the dove out again, and she brought back an olive branch (8:10-11). He waited yet another week and sent her out again, but this time, she did not return (8:12). In each story, the birds that let them know the water is gone are different. Noah and Utnapishtim seem to survive similar situations in each story, but they are a far cry from each other. Each of their boats is built in different dimensions, are made from varied kinds of materials, and structured differently. The storms in each story lasted for assorted periods of time, and they were inside the boats for different lengths of time as well. They both sent out different birds for various reasons in their stories. Each story clashes with the other in numerous distinctive ways.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Problems And Solutions Of Urbanization Environmental Sciences Essay

Problems And Solutions Of Urbanization Environmental Sciences Essay The meaning of urbanization can be basically described as the expansion of cities by encompassing the rural areas in it. Urbanization is not just physically growth. Also, it contains population and social and economic structure. The urban growth generally has been caused by immigrations. Most of these immigrations are done from rural areas to urban areas. Sometimes it can be seen from countries to countries. The reasons of migration can be arranged as economic, technologic and sociological. The urbanization has positive sides as well as negative. The major advantage of urbanization is economic development. The cities supply more facilities to its citizens with huge amount of technological equipments. On the other hand, negative sides follow the technological and economical development. All forms of pollution increase together with growth of population. Traffic congestion also starts to seen in the developed countries. Housing problems accrue due to population access from rural areas to urban areas. The whole of society is affected by urbanization. All of these negative sides can be arranged as the problems of urbanization. The problems of urbanization need to be addressed. In this developing world, nobody can stop the growth of population. However, if urban areas could be developed with a good method like sustainability, the problems of urbanization would be solved. Sustainability means the ability of sustain something. In other words, think of the future and make a plan. The aim of it is prevent some problems which will be faced in the future. If the cities are developed regarding to policy of sustainable development, the problems of urbanization can be met. In the last centuries, the urbanization had been got an uncontrolled phase. The huge amounts of people migrate to cities from rural areas. There are several causes of it. The major causes of urbanization can be arranged as economic, technologic, politic and psycho-sociological. People, who have been living in the rural areas, tend to migrate to cities because of economic factors. Specially, in the developed countries, there is vast amount of difference between peasant`s income and civicsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ income. So, the people who have been living in the rural areas immigrate to cities to increase their incomes. Besides, people immigrate to live more comfortable and for education. Firstly, population problem arises in urbanization. The balance of the population between rural areas and cities starts to grow up. While the cities are expanding, the farmland starts to destroy. In the rural areas, life is more difficult than the life, in the cities. Transportation, communication, technological needs are always difficult to benefit in the rural areas. Therefore, people spread towards cities. All types of pollution can be seen easily in the urbanization. Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution and solid product waste are the main pollutions which are increased parallel to urbanization. Because of the population growth, the air quality decreases in the urban areas. The trucks, cars, factories always exhaust a huge amount of carbon dioxide in a day to the air. The number of truck, car, and factory are raised parallel to people population. As population growth in cities, the demand of clean water increase. Sometimes the local authority cannot supply enough clean water to citizen due to high population. So, the water pollution occurs in the urban areas. The other pollution is noise pollution. In our daily life everybody use their cars, especially in the cities, car noise is the simplest example for noise pollution. The noise could be created by cars, people, factories, construction sites. Because of noisy environment, people have been less fertile and uncreative in their professional life. Again, all of them are connected with population growth. Light pollution causes to loss of electricity energy as well as environmental pollution. This also creates a problem for the future. By using more energy to use lights, the sources for electricity go down. This is the main problem of urbanization, unsustainable development. In the developing countries, solid product waste is another problem in the recent years. High population always need more supply. Sanitation should be always kept on high for public health. Whole pollutions act a very important role in human life. Pollution creates different type of disasters. According to P.S. Brandon, P.L. Lombardi V. Bentivegna (1997, p. 134) China is one of the cities which is faced with environmental degradation, in the world. Environmental degradation covers both its air and water. To improve this environmental degradation governments develop some strict laws. Water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and the other environmental degradations can be met by policy of environmental protection law. The other problem which occurs in the cities because of urbanization is traffic congestion. Using a private car has become very common in the world. Everybody prefers to use their cars to simply their life. It seems especially in the urbanization countries. This attitude creates traffic congestion. Besides, with this problem, it causes more energy usage, time loss and makes people nervous. To decrease the traffic congestion, the governments find some possible solutions. Public transportation is the most common solution to prevent traffic congestion. The developing cities should produce more sustainable products, vehicles, buildings to save more energy for future generations. According to S. M. Wheeler and T. Beatley (2004, p.98) to prevent the traffic congestion, traffic calming is the process of slowing down traffic to create safer, conductive to pedestrians, cyclists and residential life. With this alternative solution, the air and noise pollution will be decreased. Also, the fuel consumption will be reduced. The cities will be more sustain by traffic calming method. Energy will be saved by this way. Roads will be used safely. Briefly, this method will be solved one of this urbanization problem, traffic congestion. As list of my essay, third problem of the urbanization is housing. Because of large amount of migrants, housing problem has been increasing day to day in cities. The migrants who migrate from rural areas to cities create a problem. These migrants try to find suitable accommodation for them. Unfortunately, due to the low income of migrants, it is impossible to find an accommodation by reasonable price. There are large amount of flats, houses and buildings to live in cities. However, the accommodation price is large as well as amount of accommodation. People start to live unsuitable buildings in cities after migration. The migrants hold old and inconvenient accommodation to survive their life. This creates another problem, which is called visual pollution. Besides, several diseases can easily spread into cities. According to Mark, Gordon, Peter Ron (2007, p. 362) groups of buildings or building stocks is the useful method to over to the management of social housing stock. The governme nts have some policy to over to the management of social housing stock. If policy of housing always applies, the housing problem can be solved by this policy. Fourthly, suffering of societies can be counted as a problem of urbanization. Urbanization effect on societies is the other problem. Fundamentally, this problem is the result of other problems, pollution, traffic congestion and housing. Because of these problems, peoples` welfare goes down. The societies feel bed. This problem can be solved after other problem`s solutions. As a result of, urbanization is created by people and can be solved again by people. The main reason of urbanization is unbalanced income between peasant and civic. In the other worlds, urbanization is expansion of cities and contraction of farmland. According to Philip M. Hauser Leo F. Schnore (1967, p. 1) the reasons to emergence of cities are the size of total population, the control of natural environment, technological development and developments in social organization. The major triggering factor of developing cities is technology. Technology should be used correctly. Even if cannot be used correctly or without caring future, it cause some problems such as urbanization. Urbanization has lots of negative sides. In case, urbanization control by policy of sustainable development. The brief meaning of sustainable development is deliberate developing. The problems which occur due to urbanization can be solved with caring future. And developing some rules or policies by governments will prevent problems of urbanization. For example, to prevent the environmental pollution that contains air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, visual pollution and solid wastes can be decreased by making lawful to sustainable development. On the other hand, increasing the number of public transportation with reasonable price can raise the demand of using public transportation. Besides, the fuel consumption, noise and air pollution can be solved by this way. Also, traffic congestion can be solved by developing the infrastructure of transportation facilities. For the other problem, housing problem, governments can apply strict rules to prevent housing problems which is occur because of immigrations from rural areas to cities. If all these problems are solved, automatically, the last problem, effect of urbanization on societies can be disappeared.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Great Big Turnip | Analysis

The Great Big Turnip | Analysis Introduction: Our choice of storybook is The Great Big Turnip edited by Bob Williams, published by KohWai and Young. This book is appropriate for children aged four to six as it is specially designed and created to assist children who have mastered basic reading skills. Marchado (2010) states that the success of any book for young children depends on its presentation of basic human tasks, needs, and concerns based on childrens perceptions, and at a level at which they can respond (p. 289). Thus, after examining our selected choices of books, we decided to choose The Great Big Turnip because it has met many aspects of selecting the right book for young children. The story revolves around a farmer who had discovered a giant turnip in his garden. He could not pull it out alone hence he sought help from his family members and other animals in the house. Together, they managed to pull the turnip out of the ground and enjoyed plenty of food for many years. From this synopsis, the story is able to inculcate the value of teamwork in the readers as it teaches that joint effort makes it easier to complete a task. Its print and vibrant illustrations had captivated us instantaneously. The language used is age appropriate for children to learn and comprehend. The moral of the story is that we should always help others when they are in need, even if you may think that your help is insignificant. Literary elements: Plot: The plot is good because it creates suspense in the story to develop the childrens interest in reading the book. It is also simple and straightforward as it focuses on how the farmer gets help to pull the giant turnip out of the ground. Machado (2010) states that simple plot necessitated by the length of a picture book allows young children to become involved immediately in action, discover problem, and understand the resolution (p. 289). The story is in a chronological order as it unfolds sequentially. In the beginning on page 3, it talks about the farmer planting turnip seeds on the ground. In the middle on page 7, the farmer asked his wife for help when he could not pull the turnip out all by himself. Eventually, they still needed more people to help out. On page 14, it reveals how the turnip was pulled out from the ground. From the plot, readers are able to pick out problem-solving skills from the characters, such as asking for assistance. The climax of the story happens on page 13 when six more characters were involved in pulling the turnip out of the ground, and it arrests the childrens attention to find out how the characters overcome the situation. Characterization: The characters in the storybook are life like as they appear like normal living being. Machado (2010) states that characters should be portrayed realistically and have experiences and emotions with which children can immediately identify (p. 289). Thus, this book has definitely met the book selection criteria. The protagonist in the story is a farmer. As the story continues, other characters develop one after another throughout the story to help the farmer. The story does not talk about the characters past, present and future as it focuses on how the farmer gets help from his family to pull the big turnip out of the ground. Based on the farmers dialogue, it shows that he is a jovial person. On page 5 and 7, the farmer was elated to find out that his plant had grown into an enormous turnip. At the end of the story on page 16, the farmer shows a sense of happiness as it states that the happy farmer ate turnip for years (William, 2002). Besides, this book also portrays an array of emotions based on the other characters dialogue on page 7, 9 and 11. It shows excitement yet their struggles in pulling out the turnip. Setting: The farmers garden is the main location where the story took place during daytime. Based on a western context, readers are able to visualize a realistic event that occurred in the story which helps to build on their prior knowledge of the images. Theme: The theme of the story is able to relate to childrens understandings, needs and interests because underlying concept educates the importance of teamwork and unity. The farmer would not be able to pull the big turnip out of the ground without the help of his wife, son, daughter, dog, cat and mouse. It shows the significance of working towards a goal in harmony; oneness of mind. Style and Diction: The language used is simple and age-appropriate for children aged four to six. The language used is able to create mood from text such as exclaimed, cried and excited. The story involves a careful choice of words and rhythm such as they all pulled and pulled, but the turnip still would not come out! With a predictable text, children are able to participate by reading aloud to themselves or a storyteller. And the book contains good diction as it contains phrases like eyes popped out from her head, luckily, fell backwards in a heap. Point of View: The author used a third person point of view to write the story using pronoun like He, She and They. Objective point of view was used in the story as the author only tells what happen without stating more than [what] can be inferred from the storys action and dialogue (Literature, No Date). Stereotypes: It is not reflected in the storybook. Personification: It is not reflected in the storybook. Visual elements The picture-books visual variety would kindle the interests of the children and arrest their visual attention. It is slightly smaller than an A4-sized book which words inside are of Arial font and appropriate font size. The space in between words and line spacing are not cluttered. Hence, this popular fairytale facilitates easy one-on-one readings and independent reading. Cover page: On the cover page, yellow, embroidered images on the borders of The Great Big Turnip give volume to the title and front illustrations. Every word in the title is capitalised and dark turquoise in colour. Below the title is a bright and colourful cartoon of the climax of the story, which is also slightly similar to the cartoon on page 14 and page 15. The clever illustration will intrigue readers as it shows just the giant turnip spinning out of the soil and several characters falling behind. It allows readers to think about what happened in the story. Texture: Illustrations are two-dimensional which gives a visual texture and promotes imagery development. Line: Heavy lines used give more precision and curved lines used depict fluidity which brings the characters to life. Jagged lines can be found on page 15s illustration of the spinning turnip, which enables the readers to sense danger. Colour and Shape: Furthermore, the cartoon characters stand out more as additional colours and geometric shapes are used to allow the reader to clearly differentiate all of them. Illustrations from page 13 are good examples, as when the characters are pulling the turnip out, the reader would not focus on other things such as the house far away or even the forest in the background. Colours such as brown used compliment the settings like the farmers wooden house and the soil in his garden. There is also more assertion and rigidity in the illustration of the farmer due to the geometric shapes used (Scott, 1989). Free-form shapes such as the cursive ends of the turnip on page 15 enable the reader to imagine the great amount of force when the turnip was pulled out (Scott, 1989). All in all, the visual elements of the picture-book nurture visual literacy which builds on the language development of child. They allow the facilitating readability and influencing recall of the text (Machado, 2010).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shakespeare :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do you know anyone who had lost a large amount of weight in an extremely short period of time but gained it all back again? If you do, that person probably resorted to extreme dieting techniques. Extreme dieting can be defined as restricting calories or fundamental food groups in an unhealthy way. With the number of obese people in America growing, it is no wonder that more and more people are starting to diet in unsafe manners. A huge problem that arises is when teens start restricting their food and essential nutrients, which can be very harmful to their still-developing body. Not only is it detrimental to a teen’s physical health, but to his or her mental health as well. When a teenager starts to diet in a hazardous manner, he or she brings a barrage of problems upon one’s self. These problems can include but are not restricted to obesity, eating disorders, and nutritional deficiencies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people may be surprised by the fact that dieting can actually cause obesity later in life. This seems like a paradox, but in reality it isn’t. When someone diets, it slows down their metabolism. When this individual resorts to old eating habits, their metabolism doesn’t have time to adjust, and the weight they lost is immediately returned. Dieting also lowers a person’s blood sugar which can trigger depression. This depression, in turn, causes binge eating which can also result in weight gain. A Harvard Medical School study of 8,203 girls and 6,769 boys found that the adolescents who dieted frequently actually gained more weight each year than other children (Diet fact or fiction: Science World). Both the males and females suffered from the boomerang effect of dieting and gained an average of two pounds more than the non-dieters. They then determined that the weight gain was due to the fact that when teens diet, they are restricting thems elves. When a person cuts down on calories, it becomes very hard for them to control the cravings, desires, and hunger. When they can no longer control themselves, they binge on all sorts of food, which eventually leads to the weight gain.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Country Split in Half :: essays research papers

There has never been an issue which caused more disputes and conflicts within our country, than abortion. We can all agree that abortion is an incredibly complex issue. The opinion of the American people is also a lot more complex than â€Å"pro life† or â€Å"pro choice†. According to one poll that was conducted by a Christian organization, seventy-five percent of Americans believe in â€Å"pro life† theory. According to another poll, which was conducted by a state medical board, concluded that the majority of Americans believe in a â€Å"pro choice† ideology. Who do we believe? There seems to be an obvious difference in the definition of the terms. I suppose it is possible to create unanimous definition of both terms, which will be approved by both sides, but until then our country will continue to fight a never-ending battle. I also believe that we would not have to fight over this issue if everybody fully understood the indisputable consequences, whic h would be caused by a ban on abortion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abortion right is the most controversial issue among women. I find it disturbing that some women advocate a ban without considering the consequences. By advocating a ban on abortion women deprive themselves of some of the fundamental rights of our political system. The freedom to make individual choices and decisions should be protected at all times. If people understood this principle, we probably would not be in the situation that we are in today. Most Americans would not want the government to interfere in their personal lives but a â€Å"pro life† decision will do just that.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Banning abortion will not solve this issue because we will be left with undeniable negatives, which will make the problem even worse than it is now. There will always be a controversy about abortion for as long as it exists. Even if we ban abortion, we will be left with such undeniable negatives as rape, economic inequality and illegal abortions. Today there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster homes partly because abortion was not available to their parents. According to one government study, unwanted number of children will more than triple thus flooding foster homes all over the country. Rich women will have an opportunity to obtain abortion in foreign countries that do not consider it to be a crime, while the poor will be left with a baby, which may not be loved or appreciated.

Gender Studies in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay -- Wuthering

Gender Studies in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights  Ã‚   Gender played an important role in the style of writing known as "Gothic". Traditional stereotypes were often broken. Men were not always portrayed as dominant, strong, rational or masculine. Likewise, women were not always portrayed as weak, submissive, irrational, or feminine. This essay will take a look at the relationship between Catherine and Edgar Linton in Emily Brà ¶nte's Wuthering Heights. We will take a look at how their characters are portrayed, how this affected their marriage, and how each character retained some of the traits attributed to their gender. Catherine's character will be examined first, since she is one of the main characters in the book. Catherine was not your typical sweet, caring, angelic little girl. Ellen describes her by saying, "Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was-" (p.32), and, " In play, she liked, exceedingly, to act the little mistress; using her hands freely, and commanding her companions: she did so to me, but I would not bear slapping and ordering; so I let her know."(p.33). From these two descriptions of Catherine, it seems she was always testing her limits, not at all submissive. Even as a child she had a strong mind that would not easily be swayed. It is obvious that Catherine was dominant and even domineering, an example of this would be the way she continually ordered her playmates around and by resorting to physical abuse to get them to do what she wanted them to do. Later in the book Catherine described herself as a child by saying she was "half savage, and hardy, and free"(p.97). Edgar's chi... gave up his judicial office, stopped attending church, and did not go anywhere anymore. So he assumed the wife's role by staying home and raising his child, and that was Catherine's final show of dominance. Edgar and Catherine had a complex relationship. Each went into the marriage for different reasons. Edgar thought he loved her but only loved an idealized version of her, and Catherine married him to help the man she truly loved, Heathcliff. He thought she was perfect, she thought he was weak and easy to control. Eventually, these idealizations faded away. Throughout their relationship, Catherine and Edgar switched gender roles. While they did switch roles, each one managed to keep traits that were attributed to their own gender at that time. Works Cited: Berg, Maggie. Wuthering Heights: The Writings in the Margin. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1996.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is mankind responsible for global warming? Essay

Chanmok. (2007). Global Warming and Human Pollution. AuthorHouse. This book particularly identifies the issue of global warming, and how it has been allegedly related to the human activities that affect the environment. The said activities result to primarily pollution that affects the nature’s capability of balancing the elements of environment that actually generates the living system of humans on Earth. It also features different cases about the situation that makes it certain that humans do have a part on the greater development of global warming today and towards the future as well. For the research to be handled, this literature would be much helpful as it would introduce the different issues that bind the situation in connection with human activities affecting the environment. H. Liu. (2005). Human activities and global warming: a co-integration analysis [An article from: Environmental Modeling and Software]. Elseiver Publishing. This article extends the identification of human involvement in the sense of existing global warming today. The endangered systems in the environment today results to a less alleviating system of life that could host human activities and this issue is what is featured through this material. This analytical material would increase the validation of the information presented through the research as it would present several cases that are in relation to the issue being tackled in the research. Bruce Barcott. (2008). Our broken home: global warming and habitat loss–caused by us–are driving a mass extinction. (Critical essay): An article from: On Earth [HTML]. Thompson Gale Publishing. This reading has made a certain thought on the part of Barcott’s belief with regards global warming and the relationship of human activities towards the system of natural balancing that later own results to devastating effect for the environment. The particular claims of the author in this reading mainly concerns the presentation of the actual situation in a researchable approach that would most increase the research’s practicality for discussion. Nancy Kress. (2003). Nothing Human. Golden Gryphon Press; 1 edition. Unlike all other literature within the context, this book raises the thought that humans have had nothing to do with the issues of global warming. Most likely, through the arguments hosted in this reading, the ideas of human involvement in the situation have been lifted for clarity. For the sake of argument, this reading would help the researcher in presenting the other side of the issue thus balancing the approach of the discussion to be used by the researcher in the context of the study. Michael E. Schlesinger. (2007). Human-Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. Cambrsidge University Press; 1 edition. This reading introduces the different ways by which the situation could be dealt with. It also provides response to the different issues of the situation that are related to human involvement in the said environmental phenomena. This reading material shall be a huge help in proving that humans have a great involvement to the situation being dealt with. Likely, the matter is then served in a more case-based explanation. Bill W. Tillery. (2006). Physical Science. McGraw Hill Higher Education; 7th edition. This book introduces the system of environmental balances that are needed to keep the systems of living on earth much possible for existence. This book then shall help in researcher with regards the connection of human activities with certain natural phenomena occurring today.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ford Motor Solution Essay

I. Strategic Profile Company overview: Ford Motor Company is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world which Henry Ford is the founder. The company manufactures and distributes automobiles in over 200 markets across six continents. The company’s strong brand portfolio gives it a significant competitive advantage. However, less vehicle production in developed markets would reduce demand for the company’s products, and have negatively impacting its financial performance. The Situation Analysis The US auto market was saturated, faced the decrease in product demand and increased competition from foreign manufacturers. Japanese cars such as Toyota, Nissan, and Honda had come and took market share in US market. Because of the rising gasoline price, the demand of customers had shifted from US manufacturers to more fuel efficient car like Japanese car. The economic downturn in US had also affected Ford to face loss. These made Ford sales decrease. Then, Ford has to reduce the cost. Ford has lay off workers, close assembly plants, reduce vehicle models, and restructuring plan. Ford reduced the number of retail outlets from almost 4,400 to 3,424. GM reduced its dealer to 4,500 and Chrysler reduced to 2,311. Most of Ford’s cuts were from larger metropolitan markets and the elimination of the Mercury brand. Also, cut approximately 35% of its Lincoln dealers. Ford also implements ONE Ford plan and its mission is ONE Ford, ONE Team, ONE Plan, and ONE Goal. In order to increase sale, Ford has develop marketing strategy by provide large amount of information about the car such as price, quality and style on the internet for the customers to access to those unlimited information to compare products and choose the vehicles that meet their needs. The General environment Economic: Economic crisis in 2006 that affected all the auto industry. Many of the company had to bankruptcy or close the business. Ford also had to close many factories, lay off workers, and reduce the dealership to save cost. Rising of gasoline prices make it more expensive for consumers. That makes Ford’s sales decline and less revenue returns. Even the economic in US is decrease but because of globalization. It increases the international opportunities to Ford mostly in emerging market such as China and India. Technology: Ford has invested heavily in the development of premium technology to better serve its customers and to improve the safety, security, fuel efficiency, and design. These technologies will help company to save cost, increase reputation, build good image, serve customers want, and can compete with competitors. The Industry environment Five Forces Analysis 1. Threat of new entrants There are many factors that restrict new comers to entry the industry. Being in the automobile manufacture, it required high capital to invest. The companies have to invest a lot in research and development to create new technology all the time. For example; Ford invested $135 million to design, engineer, and manufacture key components for its hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. The companies such as Ford, GM, and Chrysler are all has the reputation in the name itself. And those three are called as the Detroit Three, they claimed about 50.1% of the US auto market in June 2011.So, it is difficult for new rivalry to build the name and compete with. Moreover, they have more experiences and can produce vehicles that more closely matched consumer needs. Even thought, Japanese cars had come to take market share due to the rise up of gasoline price and environment concerns. So, some consumers had turn to them. 2. Threat of substitute products As the population increases and global warming problem, people have found alternative transportation methods such as trolleys, Dial-A-Ride, taxis, bicycles, and walking. Enhancing public transportation systems such as rail systems and subways is to develop urban areas. These might lead private car less necessary to people. Also, we have to be careful of the environment. Therefore, it creates the hybrid engine and fuel saving motor. 3. Bargaining power of suppliers Many suppliers had been close due to the recession. And because suppliers have to cooperate with automobile industry, when automobile companies’ sales reduce suppliers will also affected. Therefore, there are highly competitive in suppliers. Ford chose to make a long term agreement with select strategic global suppliers to obtain best technologies and materials. 4. Bargaining power of buyers The gasoline price is affected the customers to purchase cars. And their preferences are design for car produced and sold. Ford has to concern about the customer living life, style and what they want. So they can provide a car that answer the customers’ want to satisfy them the most. Buyers have power to control the price and design. Ford had used many media methods to reach the customers including newspaper, radio, television advertising, as well as social media. Buyers also make the price competition in industry. Ford had to produce at low cost to sell at low price. 5. Rivalry among competing firms There are high competitions in automobile industry in both domestic and international. There are many competitors in this business. Even, The Detroit Three took a biggest share in market the industry is still growing very fast due to new technology development. The competition from foreign manufacturers such as Toyota, Nissan, and Honda makes its more intense. It forced Ford to compete with others by maintain quality standard, new innovation, energy-efficient in order to increase the revenue and reduce cost. Internal Analysis (SWOT) 1. Strengths Ford has strong brand recognition as they are one of the biggest companies in industry. Ford has huge investment in research and development to create new technology and has capability for engineering. Ford operated business over six continents and has large group of customers in both domestic and international. Ford had wide network of distributors and dealers. The company change to use pull strategy to give higher priority in customer satisfaction and driven by customer demand and preferences. Moreover, Ford gets many awards about technologies they had invented. We can see the success of Ford from the global sales of the latest generation model Fiesta, available on five continents that sold more than 1 million. 2. Weaknesses Ford had recalled about 300,000 cars because of the possible fire danger from engine overheating problems. This might affect the image of Ford and the perception of customer toward company. 3. Opportunities Even the demand for vehicle in US had fell but it can replace by globalization. Ford has made attentions to emerging market in China and India. These two markets expected to grow very fast and become ranking to first three largest markets which have China, India and US. In addition, Ford has joint venture with many companies in foreign to create more strength. The population is now increasing rapidly so demand for car will be higher. And because there are trend of saving fuel, environmental, economic issues and increasing demand for dual fuel vehicles, Ford new hybrid vehicle model will gain a lot of interest. 4. Threats Asian car had come to take market share in US market. The prices of Asian cars are obviously lower. The demand for Japanese car has increase. This made Ford to reduce the price to maintain the market share and had to reduce the cost of production. Economic slowdown in US and Euro zone was also one factor that created Ford net losses. Competitors’ environment

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Skewed Unemployment Rate

Define the Problem: The real national unemployment rate is higher than the U. S. Department of Labor’s December figure shows. When the underemployed and discouraged are added to the unemployment numbers, the national unemployed rate rises to 16. 6%. This causes morale to be low and Americans seem to be giving up. Variables Identified by Order of Influence: 1. The government no longer counts people as unemployed when they stop looking for work. The unemployment numbers don’t account for part-time workers or people seeking advanced degrees to improve their chances of landing a higher paying job. 2. More jobs were reported created than were really actually reported. Problem Statement: Unemployment fell by almost half a percentage point in December, dropping the national unemployment rate to 9. 4%, according to figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, January 7, 2011. Unemployment has been high but relatively stable throughout 2010, ranging from 9. 5 to 9. 9%. December’s figure of 9. 4% is the lowest unemployment rate for all of 2010. The official unemployment index, based on a monthly survey of sample households, counts only people who reported looking for work in the past four weeks. The national unemployment rate wrapped up 2010 by significantly dropping to 9. 4 percent in December, the lowest level in 19 months despite a constant 9 percent unemployment rate for 20 months in a row, a new post-World War II record. There are two main reasons for the skewed unemployment numbers. The first key reason for the drop was that the government no longer counts people as unemployed when they stop looking for work. It doesn't account for part-time workers who want to work more hours but can't, given the tight job market. And it doesn't include those who have given up trying to find work. The second reason is that more jobs were reported that were grossed. Meaning jobs were posted but never existed and thus lowered the actual job openings lowering the unemployment rate. It's bad enough that the nation's jobless rate is 9. 4%. But the real national employment rate is even higher than the U. S. Department of Labor's December figure shows. The truth is that even the broader measure of unemployment doesn't fully capture how difficult the job market is for U. S. workers. It doesn't include self-employed workers whose incomes have shriveled. It doesn't look at former full-time employees who have accepted short-term contracts, without benefits, and at a fraction of their former salaries. And it doesn't count the many would-be workers who are going back to school, taking on more debt, in hopes that advanced degrees will improve their chances of landing jobs. The purpose of this report is to discover and offer a solution; if for no other reason, to provide a better education on how the U. S. Department of Labor manipulates the actual employment rate. Definition of Terms BLS- Bureau of Labor Statistics Corporate Outsourcing- Creation of jobs overseas by American businesses. Literature Review Many researchers have studied statistics of unemployment, available jobs, and causes related to the influx of unemployment in recent years. The following resources were very interesting and useful for my research. (IStockAnaylais. com, New Haven Register) This source discusses the issues regarding job growth over the last 2 years. Wall Street views this report as that the job expectations fell short of everyone’s expectations and the unemployment rate was likely skewed by seasonal factors. Public jobs grew at a steady rate but the government slashed many jobs due to congressional mandates set at an earlier time period. Work hours were also mentioned throughout my research of this article. Shorter work weeks having many worthy job seekers and economists scared and with the decline work hours many are starting to stay in panic mode. This article touched many key points regarding the number unemployed as well as the averages associated with the overall hours worked in a normal work week. (Newsday. om) Provide me with handy research data. I found this article to be instrumental for my research. This article covered the overall drop in the unemployment rate and it’s significant in ones respect because a falling unemployment rate during the job market recovery has often just reflected a rise in the number of discouraged workers – those unemployed people who have given up looking for a job and thus aren't included in the unemployment rate. Economist cautioned no t to expect too much too fast and to stay upbeat. The article also mentioned the difference between the recessions, stating this period was different because of the low amount of work hours involved. According to the article many Americans were involuntary forced to work part-time and counted as employed. Factor in these involuntarily underemployed workers plus the burgeoning number of discouraged job seekers, and California's real unemployment rate is 20%. Many people have been unemployed for lengthy periods of time and have giving up all hope. These people were also not reported in the overall national unemployment rate. EmployeeIssues. com) reported the unemployment rate does not include workers who are involuntarily working only part time and with fewer benefits, if any, such as no health, disability or life insurance, because they can’t find full-time jobs or their work hours were cut. The article went into detail regarding how much the average part-times wages were and how people were unable to maintain adequate healthc are coverage for their immediate families. The article went on to say the unemployment rate also does not include â€Å"marginally-attached† unemployed workers. The BLS does not count them in the official rate because they stopped looking for work, for reasons such as school attendance, family matters or their collective perception that there simply are no jobs. With the average person collecting unemployment for 26 weeks the article countered that by giving numbers more in the 33 week range for collecting benefits. There were many factors involved with work hours and other limiting issues covered within this article which supported my research. (Examineer. com) contained valuable information vital to my research. Some major issues were discussed within this article to include one final example of the disconnect between government reporting and the reality of the situation comes in the world of Unemployment Insurance. In many states across the union, unemployment benefits have been extended to unprecedented lengths. In Michigan, one could maintain their benefits for more than two years depending upon their circumstance. However, normal unemployment benefits are granted in intervals of 26 weeks for those who held the same position for one year. Here is the denominator to this equation. Anyone who has been collecting unemployment benefits for more than 26 weeks will not be counted among the unemployed. Thus, those who are still receiving state benefits in their 27th week are considered ‘out of the labor force' or 'employed'. Summary The issue that comes to the forefront of the debate on the reality of unemployment in the United States is that of honesty in government disclosures, the ability to skew statistics to create false optimism among the populace and the overall contradiction of cumulative job losses against a declining rate of unemployment. To understand this fully, one must understand how the government classifies citizens in their surveying as well as the political implications associated with this monthly report. There are millions of people out there without jobs, who have exhausted their benefits, who are simply not being counted. The above resources will help me determine the actual cause and how it will impact the struggling economy’s advancement towards a manageable workforce and improved lifestyle. Report the Findings Many researchers have studied statistics of unemployment, available jobs, and causes related to the influx of unemployment in the recent years. The following resources were very interesting and useful for my research. The Labor Department's statistics don't include the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work. This alternative measure creates a much higher number. The federal government uses metric analysis to determine unemployment numbers each month, and sometimes per week. However, those metrics are skewed by political anomalies put in to try to make the numbers fit the agenda. For example, the nefarious birth/death rate assumptions which have no true basis for statistics, but in reality keep the numbers low to form a more positive or less negative outlook on unemployment. According to (Newsday. com) the overall drop in the unemployment rate was significant in one respect because a falling unemployment rate during the job market recovery has often just reflected a rise in the number of discouraged workers – those unemployed people who have given up looking for a job and thus aren't included in the unemployment rate. But this was not the case so much in December 2010. We're on a growth path,† said Ken Goldstein, economist for The Conference Board, a Manhattan business research group. But he cautioned not to expect too much, too fast. â€Å"It has gone up a lot because a lot of people have been put on short hours,† said economist Gary Burtless, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy organization. â€Å"And there are a lot of discouraged workers. † Shortened work hours are, in fact, one of the ways this recession is different from the ones in the early 1980s and early 1990s, Burtless said. Another difference is the huge number of people who have been permanently laid off. â€Å"Some people have lost their income altogether, and others have seen a drop in hours even if they remain employed,† Burtless said. â€Å"It was a double whammy for labor income. † The two trends are especially apparent in California, where the official unemployment rate is 12. 6%. Severe layoffs in early 2009 wiped out 100,000 jobs a month, according to Michael S. Bernick, a research fellow at the Milken Institute and a former head of California's labor department. The number of people working less than 35 hours a week has exploded. The recession has left 1. 5 million Californians involuntarily working part time, though they are classified as employed. Factor in these involuntarily underemployed workers plus the burgeoning number of discouraged job seekers, and California's real unemployment rate is 20%. Another difference in this recession — and a likely reason for the high number of discouraged job seekers — is the number of people who have been unemployed for more than 27 weeks. The Wall Street Journal) reports that 7 million Americans have been looking for work for 27 weeks or more, and the majority of them — 4. 7 million — have been out of work for a year or more. California, the number out of work more than 27 weeks is almost 900,000, more than the population of San Francisco. â€Å"That largely reflects how more severe this recession has been than of 1982 and of the 1990s,† said Bernick, who has worked in the job-training field since the late 1970s. Now, although severe layoffs are no longer occurring, hiring has not picked up significantly, the labor market is still very, very slow,† Bernick said. â€Å"Each job (opening) brings tens, usually hundreds, of applicants. † According to (EmployeeIssues. com) â€Å"The unemployment rate does not include workers who are involuntarily working only part time and with fewer benefits, if any, such as no health, disability or life insurance, because they can’t find full-time jobs or their work hours were cut. Counting part-timers and full-timers, the average workweek in December was unchanged from November at 4. 3 hours. Average hourly earnings increased by 3 cents to $22. 78. † The unemployment rate also does not include â€Å"marginally-attached† unemployed workers. The BLS does not count them in the official rate because they stopped looking for work, for reasons such as school attendance, family matters or their collective perception that there simply are no jobs. The number of involuntarily part-timers was around 8. 9 million in December, down from about 9. 1 a year earlier. The number of marginally-attached unemployed workers was a little over 2. 6 million, up from about 2. million in December 2009. Among the marginally-attached, about 1. 3 million were so-called â€Å"discouraged workers† who gave up looking for work due to their shared perception that there are no jobs, about the same as in November but up by about 389,000 from a year ago. The BLS counted a total of about 14. 5 million workers as unemployed in December, down by 556,000 from November and thus, why the unemployment rate dropped from 9. 8 to 9. 4 percent. The average period of unemployment was 34. 2 weeks, up from 33. 9 in November and 29. 3 a year ago. The number of long-term unemployed workers, those who have been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer, increased from about 6. 3 to 6. 4 million in December, accounting for 44. 3 percent of the unemployed workers that the BLS counted as such. State unemployment benefits typically last only 26 weeks without state or federal extensions. The job growth, while encouraging, did not match economists' expectation that the nation would have added 150,000 to 200,000 jobs last month. Hopes were high, especially after payroll and staffing firm ADP reported earlier this week the economy added 279,000 last month. We underperformed a bit on the job front,† Donald Klepper-Smith, chief economist at Data Core Partners in New Haven, said of the government report. Job figures and the unemployment rate come from surveys of businesses and households. â€Å"The numbers which carry more weight are the job numbers, by far,† Klepper-Smith said. â€Å"It's all about jobs, jobs, jobs. † The une mployment rate, meanwhile, likely was skewed by seasonal factors in December, he said, since â€Å"there is no good justification fundamentally for a four-tenths-of-a-point decline. According to the (Examiner. com) one final example of the disconnect between government reporting and the reality of the situation comes in the world of Unemployment Insurance. In many states across the union, unemployment benefits have been extended to unprecedented lengths. In Michigan, one could maintain their benefits for more than two years depending upon their circumstance. However, normal unemployment benefits are granted in intervals of 26 weeks for those who held the same position for one year. Here is the denominator to this equation. Anyone who has been collecting unemployment benefits for more than 26 weeks will not be counted among the unemployed. Thus, those who are still receiving state benefits in their 27th week are considered ‘out of the labor force' or 'employed'. Explanation of Findings What these findings paint is an unrealistic picture, continuing claims and the jobless rate help provide a snapshot of the overall condition of employment. While the jobless rate can, over time, somewhat track the more prominent unemployment rate found in the monthly labor report produced by the BLS, it has its flaws. The Labor Department provides the following explanation: â€Å"Some people are still jobless when their benefits run out, and many more are not eligible at all or delay or never apply for benefits. So, quite clearly, UI information cannot be used as a source for complete information on the number of unemployed. † That is, they're not counted as unemployed, but likely would be in the BLS report. Therefore, fluctuations in the jobless rate might not necessarily be reflective of what the trend in the unemployment rate will look like in the monthly labor report. Initial claims data are used to detect emerging employment trends. Outsized gains garner attention because they suggest looming employment weakness, which could spread to the rest of the economy. Outsized decreases imply impending employment strength. This data series is volatile. Extreme weather conditions create commensurate extremes in the data. This can happen for two reasons: either weather conditions prevented people from filing, or it temporarily or permanently put them out of work. Seasonal adjustments sometimes do an inadequate job of capturing seasonal changes. It can take several weeks for the data to be considered representative of what's really going on in the economy. The unemployment rate is calculated as (# of unemployed people)/ (# of unemployed + # of employed people) as calculated by the surveys run by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (assuming you're in the US, most developed countries have similar statistical bureaus that run similar surveys). I haven't checked what the BLS definition is, but in Australia unemployed means that you were actively seeking work or were waiting to start work – the idea being that this excludes people who are unable to work, or retired, or otherwise wouldn't get jobs even if there were jobs to get. In that sense, the unemployment rate has nothing to do with how many jobs there are out there to lose. However, the movement in the unemployment rate could certainly reduce not because the economy is improving but because it can't get any worse. Also, there's some argument over the definition of â€Å"employed†, since international convention allows for anyone who worked at least one hour to count as employed, meaning that people with part-time or casual jobs with very few hours would be able to work more hours if they were available may be â€Å"underemployed† (which is not measured in the unemployment rate). Recommendation for Change There are millions of people out there without jobs, who have exhausted their benefits, who are simply not being counted so the government can look like heroes. I suggest all people who have exhausted benefits write their congressman so they can be counted. If the people don't speak up, then nothing will be done. Nothing is getting better. There are no jobs (unless you are in the health care field), and the economy still stinks. A simple solution would be for the state to continue having people who are unemployed to claim weeks online even after benefits are exhausted. This would require a simple upgrade to the state's already-existing database, to include ineligible claimants as well. If all states did the same, a true jobless figure could be attained, and the seriousness of the problem would be brought to light. Corporate outsourcings of American jobs are what have hurt our country's financial infrastructure, nothing else. If we don't stop them now, it may not be our country anymore in the future. The people need to wake up and start writing. Don't believe the drivel they feed us every day!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Teen Suicide…Enough Is Enough

Teen Suicide†¦Enough Is Enough One day I will be getting a tattoo on my right shoulder that contains the phrase, â€Å"Live For More! † I want the words to be in an old-fashioned, yet fancy, script and the letters will be both black and bold. My reason behind that specific font is to make the phrase stand out as much as possible, so that whoever reads my arm can see exactly how meaningful life really is to me, as a teenager living in today’s highly competitive, responsible, and stress filled world! Teen suicide attempts and completions are at an all time high in these present days and there are many reasons contributing to its growth as years progress. I am sick of adolescents ending potentially happy and successful lives. Now is the time to address not only its growth and statistics throughout the years, but also to reveal the underlining causes and warning signs of suicide. Essentially, it is also the most opportune moment to discuss the many possible life saving solutions to end this serious, yet popular, problem. It is official that today teen suicide is at an all time high. Surveys have shown that more than 25 percent of high school students and 10 percent of college students have seriously considered taking certain actions to end their lives. This unfortunate problem has grown a rate four times that of 1950. In present days, girls are about twice as likely to attempt suicide, whereas boys are actually four times more likely to complete the act. To prove wrong the assumption that the problem is mostly based upon economic terms, statistics show that rich teens kill themselves as often as poor or middle-income adolescents. Statistics even state, â€Å"Today, an estimated 276,000 kids between the ages of 14 and 17 try killing themselves each year, and more than 5,000 succeed† (Roleff). Studies also show that, at one time or another, every person has already thought of or will think about suicide. These numbers are very disturbing, and yet they only partially convey the ultimate tragedy that each teen suicide victim truly contributes to the aching hearts of their family and community. The only possible way to stop this travesty starts with understanding the pain that the suicide holder possesses and to force them to understand that the juice really is not worth the squeeze. Due to these statistics, a culmination of confusion tends to ensue. The big question is, why are teenagers so willing and eager to end the most valuable thing that a person can possibly possess, which happens to be their life? I am sure you have asked yourself this question once before, I know I have. The truth is that stress is the most contributing factor to suicide. The fact is that growing up is more stressful in present times than it’s ever been before. Other reasons include the death of a loved one, overpopulation and the break down of family, obesity, increased parental pressure to excel, and the easy access to drugs, alcohol, and firearms. Personally, I view romantic relationships to also be a huge concern within this problem. It is commonly seen, that following a break-up, teens choose suicide to impose a point or to just cause the most severe form of guilt. Stress is the number one cause of depression. â€Å"Suicide is a major danger associated with depression. Because of the associated shame and secrecy with suicide, many fail to get or give help. † (Carpenter 353). There are three main warning signs and symptoms pertaining to the act of suicide. The first is behavioral changes, which include changes in eating and sleeping habits, social isolation, drinking or drug use, or the giving away of valued possessions. The second is personal changes, which includes the appearance of common moods associated with anger, anxiety, or depression. These moods lead to aggressiveness, hopelessness, hypersensitivity, boredom, or difficulty concentrating. The final symptom includes health problems, such as frequent headaches, weight loss or gain, or fatigue. â€Å"It has been proven that two-thirds of those who commit suicide give some warning signs first† (Gorman). It is really up to us†¦as friends, relatives, teachers, and parents to recognize these signals and symptoms. We must all work together to react and respond quickly and strongly, person to person! Furthermore, once we all understand the warnings and overall reasons behind teen suicide, many steps can be taken to prevent future cases. Overall the ultimate aim is to make suicide more difficult and less likely. Researchers say that suicidal impulses usually last only about fifteen minutes and making it past that time may be just enough to defuse the whole situation. This is obviously easier said than done! First of all, never keep suicide a secret. If there is ever suspicion, immediately seek parental assistance. â€Å"The use of a therapist is the most popular solution, yet sometimes money is a huge issue. In that case, get somebody involved whom you can fully trust, that will charge very little to nothing† (Manning). Another very simple prevention is the denying of availability of prescription drugs and alcohol by keeping them out of easy access. Since about half of all young people who kill themselves do it with guns kept at home, one solution is for parents to keep guns hidden and unloaded, with bullets stored separately† (Roleff). My personal solution would be that of bringing about the most apparent, yet hidden, importance and splendors within life. I would forcefully exp lain and emphasize that it is a blessing and privilege to be alive, and that people must make the most out of what they have. Of course it is easy enough to just give up, but there is really no point. Once you are gone then you can never again see the beauty of a sunset or the magic of growth in all living things, never again feel the excitement of a shooting star, never again smell the sweet scent of spring air, or never again experience the splendor of romance. After one is all said and done, then there is no coming back! Finally, I would ask once again†¦is the juice really worth the squeeze? Now is time for teens to stop committing the morbid sin of suicide! Cases have grown drastically throughout the years, mainly due to all of the stress that teens are forced to face each and everyday. The only true way to stop this grievous problem is to eliminate all depressants, such as alcohol and drugs, and to promote motivation and confidence to succeed no matter what obstacle stands in the way. The key is to live for more†¦to take what you have and make the most that you possibly can, which I do everyday of my life! If you ever prevent somebody from committing suicide, he or she may be upset with you for a while. But chances are they won’t be upset for too long. At least they will have a lifetime to change their mind!